Absolutely the bare minimum of the Æther rules you need to run a game! A great way to introduce yourself to the system, it is stripped of much of the fluff of the system and still holds all of the crunch. This 37 page PDF contains a character sheet, rules for character creation, skills, equipment, combat and scene rules, as well as rules for character advancement and continuing the game after the first adventure. It is handsomely covered, giving a magnificent cover for any binder or folder you choose to utilize when you print it off. The interior of the book contains pertinent tables, but no artwork, keeping the volume tight and small, giving you the most bang for your buck.
This compact volume is completely compatible with the Æther Core Rules though the Core Rules has a few options in it that are not found in the Quick Start Guide. The Quick Start Guide can be used in combination with any setting, supplement, or adventure that is published by Silver Gryphon Games for the Æther Role-Playing System.
The Quick Start Guide is designed to be printed front and back in an effort to conserve space and paper for your benefit.