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The Æther Core Book is the system as it was intended to be produced. It contains every rule needed to run and play a game using the Æther Role-playing System. This 160 page volume contains the rules for character creation, skill use, combat, equipment, and much more! The majority of the skills and the equipment presented are geared for a modern setting, however, the system is designed to be universal, able to be used for any setting, any level of technology, and incorporate any style of play. In order to make the system easier to use for those of you who prefer settings that are not modern, a thorough chapter is included on setting creation, including a random setting generator which can lead to some surprising, interesting, and incredibly amazing results.
The Core Book is truly the key to adventure within the Æther system. With the customization of the system as indicated by the chapter on setting creation, it is no stretch to say that any combination of settings and supplements can be used and integrate flawlessly with the Core Book, and in most cases, with each other as well. This optimization allows the Narrator to customize the game to the tastes and styles of the gaming group, leaving no option out, and encouraging the imaginations of the players to run wild!
Included in the Core Book is the frame work for the quintessential modern setting, Wellstone City. Wellstone comprises over 25 pages of history, locations, and organizations for this fictional city off the Louisiana and Texas coast line. Several juicy plot hooks are included for those wishing to use the city in historical, pulp, punk, supernatural, or straight up action genres. In addition to that, an adventure is included to help introduce players and characters alike to the power struggles within Wellstone City. This 21 page adventure lavishly details a location and a mission set in the modern day for a small group of characters. The adventure is designed to be able to be worked into an existing campaign, jump start a story arc, or even be used as a one-shot adventure.
The Core Book does not replace the Quick Start Guide, but instead works in conjunction with it. The few rules that were intentionally left out of the Quick Start Guide for the purpose of space and simplicity are present in this volume. Characters that were created with the Quick Start Guide will have no problem integrating into any game that the Core Book is used for running the game, playing the game, or creating new characters.