Prepare Yourself! Prepare for a game system that combines fast character generation,
streamlined combat, and a skill system that enhances the roleplaying
experience. Prepare for a system where game mechanics make sense, character
advancement is granted through creativity, not combat, and a system that
encouragesastonishing flexibility of action for your characters.
Only this Core Book, a pencil, a pair of 10-sided dice, and your imagination are
needed for playing this game in any genre, time,place, or level of technology.
Rules for character generation, a comprehensive skill listing, and a basic equipment
list for a modern day setting are all included within. Also included is a setting
generator that allows you to quickly create a setting in any time period, level
of technology or magic, any genre, and any tone you can imagine.
Finally, Wellstone City, the frame work for modern and historical settings in America
is included. This solid foundation of a city gives enough detail to let you run a
complete adventure, but leaves the setting open enough for you to create you
own world in Wellstone City. An adventure, Public Transit Assassins is also included,
and it introduces the players and the characters to the ins and outs of
Wellstone, as well as preparing the characters for the fact that being poor isn’t all
it’s cracked up to be. This adventure can be a stand-alone, a spring board, or a
diversion in an existing campaign.
Get into an adventure today!
Æther. A change is in the air.